Introductory Post

Written By: Raul Escobar

Well, I can’t say this is foreign ground to me but I can’t say it is familiar ground either. I have always been passionate about soccer and writing, but I never imagined I would combine the two. So here I am– a college athlete on the brink of beginning his senior year, not sure how my final season of competitive soccer will pan out but one thing is for sure: I never expected soccer and writing to describe the person I am today.

I was not a strong writer growing up. I focused mainly on perfecting my craft, which was soccer. Between the ages of 6-13, all I could think of was soccer and how I could become the next Wayne Rooney or Cristiano Ronaldo of the time. Fast forward 6-7 years and I found myself finishing my freshman year of college unsure if the major I was studying was the right one. As a soccer player, I always figured that I wanted to pursue a career in sports, even after my playing days were over. But during the summer entering my sophomore year of college, I realized I had a newfound passion: writing. It was then and there that I decided to switch majors and pursue a degree in English Literature.

The combination of soccer and writing is something that culminated over time and has brought me to this blog. As an avid Manchester United fan, a good portion of my posts will be about the Red Devils but I am not afraid to step into unchartered territory and showcase the beautiful game from all kinds of angles and perspectives. This should be fun.

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